Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A quick ride

JR is once again the teacher. I had an opportunity to ride on my way to kcmo and went by for a quick ride on the boy. He is just an angel of a horse... And we had a wonderful time doin a million transitions. Cantering and I thinking am getting the hang of it. At least a little. I have a really cool idea for my freestyle at the seasoned rider competition.N Using the song fireworks by Katie Perry....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Today we went for a lesson - met Jenny at For the Horse.

And there waiting for me was JR -- my huckberry of a horse.  He had already had some exercise with Jenny and was thinking that he had done his day's work.   But we talked it through and he decided to go ahead and ride with me.. he also mentioned that I did not bring treats and that he was expecting some extra next time. Ooops...

So we played just a little on the ground and found a little bit of a hole in sideways -- we fixed that and also tested on his back.  JR thought that it was a better idea to not be in the track next to the fence -- so we had to talk about that too.  Well that conversation ended up being a pretty involved discussion.. but he finally decided that the rail was the place to be... even at the canter.

And yes I said canter.  We did a lot of transtions -- walk, dog walk and foxtrot.  Then on to canter - then walk then canter.  And we cantered for a while... long enough that I relaxed and started to think about steering at the canter... long enough to breath while cantering.... long enough to canter around a corner.  I cantered a long while...yes I did... amazing I know.

Then Jenny thought it would be a good idea for us to go on a little trail ride.   Umm ok.  So we went - JR lead for a while - but told me he was not really wanting to go on a trail ride.. but that when we were done in the arena - he said we should go back to the pens.  I promised him that we would have fun on the trail ride .. and he said maybe -- then he said are you sure? and Jenny and I said yes.. cause I was not sure anymore.

So Jenny and I talked. I forgot all about being too nervous.  JR is very observant - and watches everything carefully.  We went to the "BIG VIEW" and it was lovely.  Then down the little steep path - with briars and stickers.  I told JR to watch out - so I could watch too.. and he did.  The we crossed the stream and went to the gate.

By that time .. we were really together - and enjoying each other.  What a great day with Mr. Just Right.  He is so smart. I love this horse.