Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ride number two --

Pretty exciting... ride number two on J.R. one week later - it was a full day at the end of horse camp.  We got to Play COWS.  Tony and Jenny had a bright crackly flag and JR was tuned in on the flag.  Mind you - All I could see was his ears  and feel his "attennnnn CHUN" stance.  Every time we went by someone playing cows - he would watch that flag intently.  The backs of his ears locked so straight and tense.. like antenna! Those flags needed to be be watched--  I think he was dreaming of what that flag would taste like - or shredding it and stompit into the ground... But it was clear - he WANTED the flag. 

I was working on NOT holding the saddle horn when we trotted.. uggggg.  I was sure I would fall off - but JR said no.. I wouldnt  ... and he would prove it to me --- by going through all kinds of trots.  So I didnt fall off.  In fact we had fun.  We were connected.. now if I could just keep my mind focused  - so he would have that instead of my wild "don't fall off" mind. 

It was our turn to do the cow... it was Tony on the flag.  He explained the game -- how there were imaginary walls and JR and I would need to stop him by running in front of him- on the wall - then turn to run the other way - if the cow did. hmmmm ok..

So then he said - " Now I am gonna tell ya.. hold on" I thought I misunderstood -- hold on - -???? we had been practicing NOT holding on...hmmm - the he said - " I mean it -- hold on"  So I did. 

JR took on a life like I have never seen and will very little guidance.. the white shadow raced that cow back and forth - stopping and turning on his haunches to beat him to the next spot.  I laughed and smiled so hard - my cheeks hurt...over and over... he would whip over and skid to a stop - waht a RIDE~~  when can I do that again!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

JR comes Home

Sometimes something just feels right. This just felt right. A sweet horse, loved and cherished.. gone for a while ..and now back in the fold.  I am glad to be a part of his return and his new partner.

He is back - with his forever family - the band of riders at For The Horse Ranch. 

J.R. came to me on the week of May 12th.  My birthday week.  I had been thinking of him off and on for over a year and would occasionally ask his owner if they were ready to sell him to me.  He is so talented and I never thought he could really be mine.  Then one day his owner said YES.. she would sell him to me - if he was for me.

 I needed him and he needed me.  It was meant to be, J.R, is Just Right for Apryl.  So after talking with Jenny and Susan we came up with a plan to bring him home - see where he was at.  Tony and Jenny couldn't WAIT to get him home and brought him right over to For the Horse Ranch.  On May 11th 2012 - I hand my first experience with Mr Wonderful... and it was awesome.  In attendance were my SUPERFRIENDS - Susan Engle and Jennifer Vaught.

It is hard to explain what I felt.  Relief, happiness, gratitude - excitement.  I cried... we all cried. But best of all - JR and I got along...and started a bonding that will continue.

First time is JUST RIGHT